RW Elephant Virtual Insight & Training Series

Join our Client Success Team as they dive into all the features RW Elephant has to offer in this four-week series.

Ever wonder if you’re using RW Elephant to its fullest potential?

Well, we’re excited to share our previously recorded live Insight & Training Series that will help you learn all the ins and outs of RW.

WEEK 1: Item Basics + Kits

Week One covers the basics of Items & Kits.

RW has a lot to offer in tracking and managing your inventory. As you spend the time entering the necessary information, we promise it will benefit you in the long run.

As we like to say…

Here are the Sample Inventory Input Cards we shared during the session. We hope these cards will help streamline the process of entering Items in RW.

We had to breeze over Tax Items, so if you live in a region that uses multiple tax rates, here is our support page on Variable Tax Rates

WEEK 2: Order Basics, Conflict Checking, & Damages

Week Two covers a LOT of fun features. Here are some helpful Support Pages to find out more:

Toward the end of our time, we shared some resources on Modifying and Customizing Order PDFs beyond what is already modifiable within Invoice Settings. Here are the guidelines and pricing for RW Elephant Modified & Custom PDFs.

If a completely branded experience is up your alley, check out two samples of completely Custom PDFs here and here. Also, take a look at the Design Guidelines for Custom PDFs that you’ll want to share with your designer.

WEEK 3: Online Gallery, Wishlists, Email Templates, & Payment Processing

In Week Three, we shared the various options for displaying your inventory on your website. Check out Customizing Your Online Gallery for a complete breakdown of the differences between these integrations.

Just to reiterate, the WordPress Plugin has the most complete functionality of all the options. While we’d love to include more functionality through Squarespace & Shopify, unfortunately, these platforms aren’t as robust and do not allow for sophisticated integrations in the same kind of way. If you’re interested in including Wishlist functionality in your Online Gallery, you’ll definitely want to opt for the WordPress Plugin. 

We promised a handful of resources, so here are those helpful Support Pages for more information:

WEEK 4: Contacts, Planning, Pull & Delivery, iOS App, Metrics, & Reports

We wrapped up Week Four by talking through how RW can help keep things organized when event day rolls around as well as post-event.

As we mentioned in the session, we’ve received questions about developing an Android app but this is not something we’re currently pursuing as we’ve committed our development resources to other projects right now. We’ve found that most of our users who are happiest with the iOS app are purchasing dedicated devices for their crews or trucks rather than asking their crew members to use their personal devices.

As we walked through the Collection Activity Metric, Allison shared the Utilization Chart Explained resource as well as the Utilization & Liquidation Worksheets to help you make informed decisions about the utilization of your pieces. Additionally, here is the Report Decoder to help you find which reports you need when you need them. 

Here are some helpful Support Pages to go along with this week’s session:

Questions we promised to answer post-session: 

“Can you have multiple people working on a checklist at the same time?”

  • We’ve confirmed that only one User can work on an Order Checklist within the iOS App at a time. If multiple crew members are logged in, they’ll want to communicate who’s the designated member working on the checklist.

“If I mark a sub rental now, will the past dates be included in the report?” 

  • YES! If you mark an Item a Subrental, when you go to generate a Subrentals Report, it will include all Orders the Item has ever been on, even past Orders. 

Thanks so much for joining us for the Insight & Training Series! If we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at

Free PDF Guide

Ready to level up in your Event Rental Biz?

We’ve created What’s Next For Me? Life Stages of an Event Rental Business to help you grow in whatever stage you find yourself in.

Identify which phase you’re in and what tools you'll need to scale up in your rental business.

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