Writing Event Rental Business Policies with Intention

Don’t write another policy for your event rental business until you ask yourself these three questions! Copying  policies from the company down the street or setting things up at random might actually be hurting your business and preventing you from reaching your goals. Check out our framework for setting event rental business policies with intention. Read more

Defining Rentable Condition in Your Event Rental Business

Rentable condition means something different to every rental company owner. It could mean “like-new,” as if the item was just picked up from a retail store. It could mean “usable,” not the most pristine condition, but good enough that it gets the job done. Or it could mean anything in between! Read more

Why Rentals is the Best Specialty Within the Event Industry

Many creative individuals flock to the wedding and event industry to make beautiful things; floral artistry, jaw-dropping cakes, perfectly executed timelines, music that inspires a whole room to get on the dance floor. However, no business within the industry can match the the power and potential of a rental business. Read more

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