How to Buy or Sell An Event Rental Business
Thinking about buying or selling an event rental business? You’ve come to the right place! Read more
Thinking about buying or selling an event rental business? You’ve come to the right place! Read more
Your invoices don't have to be boring. Let's find a style that makes your brand shine! Read more
Here at RW, we love to help make managing your Inventory & Orders a breeze. We've found that Quickbooks is a great tool to use alongside your Invoices in RW to manage your bookkeeping. Read more
Your rental success next year starts with the decisions you make in preparation for the 2022 season (that means right now!). Not sure where to start? Here are six actionable steps to get you started on the path to the rental year of your dreams. Read more
Many boutique event rental business owners strive to have beautiful open-air light-filled warehouses with inspiring shelves, wow-moments for their clients, and eye-candy everywhere you look. Growing rental businesses must balance this desire, however, with the need for efficiency, safety, and savvy use of space. Read more
But when it comes to credit card processing, I’m often surprised at our clients’ approach. Many times, I see our clients implicitly or explicitly encouraging their customers to pay with a method other than credit card (cash, check, etc.). Ostensibly they’re doing this to avoid the credit card processing fees— with the intention of making more money. Unfortunately, however, I think that discouraging their customers from using credit cards actually costs them money in the long run. Read more
Wherever they are when they realize they’re ready for a system to keep track of it all, one hurdle can be just putting together a list of all of their items. Read more
The number one area we see event rental business lose money is in deliveries. Setting the right delivery fees plays a big role in your overall profitability. A huge factor in those calculations has to be your delivery trucks. When should you rent? When does it make sense to buy your own truck? Getting it right could make or break your event rental business. Read more
I can't speak for everyone in the event rental industry but 2020 has been a hard year, #amiright? Read more
The practice keeps me grounded. In weeks when I’m down or discouraged, it helps remind me of wins and celebrations. When I’m excited about a new idea and ready to bet the farm on something untested, coming back to my five numbers reminds me that business is often about slow, steady growth rather than a meteoric rise. Read more