Blog articles matching the “Rental business” tag.

Be Consistent

Earlier this week I ordered a pizza. “Pizza Monday” is a little H family tradition and every week we call up our favorite joint. This week, however, instead of the normal bubbly girl on the other end of the line, I found myself talking to a new employee. Read more

Less is more: Offer Your Customers Fewer Options

The best museum curators are picky. They don’t hand out wall space to any artist who sends them a portfolio. Curators are thoughtful about the content they provide to their patrons. They only show the best. In addition, they are thoughtful about how and when they exhibit particular work. Read more

How to be an Excellent Rental Company

Starting out in the event industry, I was very green. I liked planning parties. I knew I had a creative bent and an organizational side. At some point in college a skills assessment test indicated I should become a florist. The event industry seemed like a good fit. I just needed some experience. Read more