Blog articles matching the “Event rental business” tag.

When to Buy A(nother) Truck in Your Event Rental Business

The number one area we see event rental business lose money is in deliveries. Setting the right delivery fees plays a big role in your overall profitability. A huge factor in those calculations has to be your delivery trucks. When should you rent? When does it make sense to buy your own truck? Getting it right could make or break your event rental business. Read more

How to Handle the Zillion Requests for Discounts, Donations & “Marketing” Opportunities That Come Your Way

I would bet that you are constantly being asked for donations to charity events, free rentals for styled shoots, and industry discounts. Rental pros respond to these requests with a range of emotions; excitement, guilt, pressure, anger, resentment... Especially as you get busy, the request to offer your services and products for free can even become offensive to you. So, what do you do? Read more

Dealing with Damages in your Event Rental Business

Damages are a reality in every event rental business. You should certainly have a Loss Prevention Plan in place so your staff knows how to properly handle your pieces. Your Damage Policy should tell your clients exactly what to expect if pieces are damaged or disappear at their events. But regardless of perfect planning, accidents happen. Read more

What am I grateful for?

So, how do you run a successful event rental business, keep your cool, and not lose your mind? Well, you've got to have systems in place to make managing your inventory and orders efficient. You also have to think about what you'll do when disaster strikes (sad but true). But I think one ingredient we often overlook is gratitude. Read more

Motivation From Dan Pink

Last week, I had a great call with a special event rental business owner who is just starting out. As she’s planning for the future of her business, she asked me what I thought about salaries for salespeople in her company. Read more

Your Rental Business is About Something Bigger: Charity

You obviously started your rental business to make money. Well, I know for some of you, your motivation was more about having an excuse to buy things you like, or an opportunity to realize your dream of self-employment, or recognizing you could fill a need you saw. But at the end of the day, you started a business. Read more