Whether you're new to the event rental world and just creating a website for the first time or if you're creating a new website for your established business, I'm often asked about adding RW Elephant at the same time. But what should you do first? Start an RW Elephant account or design your new site? Read more
Published in Biz Operations, Grow Grow Grow.
"I’m too busy! I need to hire people (or more people) to help me but I don’t know how. Where do I start?" Read more
Published in Biz Operations.
While some may think of a lemonade stand as a childhood right-of-passage or something to keep their kids busy for an afternoon, I experienced it as a window into entrepreneurship and small business ownership. I suppose I can’t help but think about what makes successful businesses tick but this sweet afternoon with my kids was kind of eye-opening actually. Here are some of the truths I was reminded about. Read more
Published in Biz Operations, Grow Grow Grow, The Money.
Within your event rental business, dealing with damages is a given. Accidents happen. Things get broken. Repairs and replacements will be required. As a rental business owner, how do you decide what kind of damage policy to adopt? And once you choose, do you give your customer any options? Or is there a one-size-fits-all solution? Read more
Published in Biz Operations.
Every event rental business is going to have a Sales Process that looks a little (or A LOT) different from anyone else. Your Sales Process is going to include your script, your policies, your questions, and your solutions to the pain points your client experiences. While I can give you a blueprint or a checklist, you’re going to have to customize every aspect of it to suit you and your rental business. Read more
Published in Biz Operations, Grow Grow Grow.
How do you mention a minimum order requirement (if applicable) without sounding negative? Read more
Published in Biz Operations, The Money.
We recently did a deep-dive into some data from our RW Elephant clients. We were curious to know what payment methods were most effective at helping our users close sales faster. Do you know what we found? Read more
Published in Biz Operations, The Money.
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Published in Biz Operations, The Money.
As I spoke to over 40 event rental pros this week in our Event Rental Success Groups, I started to see some themes emerge. Read more
Published in Biz Operations, Grow Grow Grow, The Money.
Do you ever wonder how other Event Rental Businesses deal with the problems you're facing? Wouldn't it be great to hear how others in your position handle damages? How do they find their crew members? What is their deposit policy? Where do their ideal clients come from? What is their average rental amount? How much do they charge for delivery? Read more
Published in Biz Operations, Grow Grow Grow, More, The Money.