Looking Back and Thinking Forward: Evaluating How You Can Continue to Grow as a Business Owner

A few weeks ago, we had a small glitch in RW that impacted 200 Orders for about an hour and a half. It was a stressful moment for our team as we woke up to urgent help requests, assessed the situation, diagnosed the problem, resolved it, and communicated with our Clients. We later had a meeting to discuss what went wrong, how we can prevent this issue or problems like it from happening in the future, and how we can be more prepared to handle situations like this as they come up. But to be honest, I was pretty proud of our response. It was a reminder of how far we’ve come.

Back in 2019, Tim and I were on a plane to Hawaii with our three sons, ready for some rest and relaxation in paradise. As we disembarked the plane, ready to be greeted by the sweet smell of plumeria and coconut, we were instead bombarded with an explosion of texts and emails. RW had run into a critical technical problem while we were in the air, and none of our Clients could generate Order PDFs.

Tim headed straight to the Starbucks in the airport to connect to Wi-Fi and frantically fix the RW issue, and I took our three boys outside to get their wiggles out. (Have you ever experienced a five-hour flight with a 2-year-old, 4-year-old, and 6-year-old? They can only sit still for so long…). I was back-and-forth over text with the RW team back in California while our rambunctious boys were somersaulting and wrestling each other into the grass.

Then I looked up and saw this sign.

I’m grateful that this latest glitch experience didn’t result in my kids rolling around in dog pee. We’ve tightened up our operations around here significantly.

As business owners, we are constantly learning. My hope is that as you head into your busy season, you are able to look back and see how far you’ve come from your own pet relief areas, whether that’s losing a sale, dealing with a disputed charge, handling a problematic employee, forgetting rentals/tools on a delivery, or double-booking an Item. 

If you don’t have the systems to deal with these types of situations, take ten minutes today to write some SOPs so that what might’ve been a sour last customer interaction instead turns into an opportunity to demonstrate to your customer how much you care so they keep coming back.

Still not sold on SOPs in your Event Rental Business? Find out how they can make you more money in our SOPs blog post!

Now that you’re convinced SOPs are the way to the bank, check out our blog post about How to Write SOPs in your Event Rental Business to see what goes into writing an effective SOP.

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