Blog articles matching the “Event industry” tag.

Looking Back and Thinking Forward: Evaluating How You Can Continue to Grow as a Business Owner

A few weeks ago, we had a small glitch in RW that impacted 200 Orders for about an hour and a half. It was a stressful moment for our team as we woke up to urgent help requests, assessed the situation, diagnosed the problem, resolved it, and communicated with our Clients. We later had a meeting to discuss what went wrong, how we can prevent this issue or problems like it from happening in the future, and how we can be more prepared to handle situations like this as they come up. But to be honest, I was pretty proud of our response. It was a reminder of how far we’ve come. Read more

Your Rental Business is About Something Bigger: Charity

You obviously started your rental business to make money. Well, I know for some of you, your motivation was more about having an excuse to buy things you like, or an opportunity to realize your dream of self-employment, or recognizing you could fill a need you saw. But at the end of the day, you started a business. Read more