iOS Application

FAQs iOS App

Why is this app only available on iPhone and iPad but not Android devices?

With this being our first app we want it to be able to accessible to the largest number of clients. iphones are the most popular device on the market. In time as we make adjustments to the app based on user feedback we will release more versions of the app.

Why can I only create Wishlists?

In an effort to keep the app simple and to streamline work flows, we’re only allowing the creation of Wishlists at this stage.  The goal is to quickly create an order with line items remotely and then do all the detailed work from a computer. 

Why can’t I edit all the Event Details?

The app is designed to get the bare bones of a Wishlist in your account for simplicity and speed. Details will be easier to edit in the desktop version.

Can we have multiple people logged in?

Yes. Each user on your account can be logged in on their own device.

Do the new Wishlists and Items I create show up immediately in my desktop version of RW?


Can I record Payments from my phone?

No, but you can copy the online Payment Link to send to your clients or use the one click email generator.

Can I delete an Order?

No. This is to prevent accidental Order deletions. Deleting Orders needs be handled in the desktop version of RW.

How do I send a Wishlist or Proposal to a client?

Go to the applicable Order. Tap the “Payments” tab and then tap on the email icon in the top right corner. This will generate the Payment Link Email Template to send straight to your Client.

Where are all my other RW features that I love?

We’re following the old acronym “KISS” – “Keep It Simple Silly”.  We want to keep things simple at the beginning for ease of use. Later on we will add additional features and changes as we learn from user feedback.