All Orders can be viewed on the app but only Wishlists can be created.
We’re keeping things simple this first time around.
Orders primarily serve two purposes on the RW app version the full desktop version.
- To review Orders that are already on your account. Edit line items and email an order to a client.
- To create Wishlists on the fly for further development later.
Viewing Orders
To view your orders tap on the Orders icon on either the Dashboard or side Menu.

You will be brought to a scrollable list of all your Orders arranged by date. Oldest at the top to Newest at the bottom. You’ll be brought to the Order closest in date to today’s date.

Tap on any order to see it’s Event Details, Line Items, and Payments.

The only information you can edit and/or add are line items. We’ll talk through how to do this in our next article, Order Line Items.

You can also email the Order with a Payment Link to your clients.

Search Orders
Slide your finger up and down the screen to look for the order you need or tap the Search icon in the upper right corner to type the name of your Client to pull up their order. You can also search by Invoice number. However, Event Dates are not searchable through the search function.

Filter & Sort Orders
To the left of the Search icon is the Filter icon. Tap this and you’ll be able to select which types of Orders are hidden and how you’d like to sort your display.

You can filter & sort Orders in a couple of ways:
- Filter by Order Status
- Filter by Order Type
- Sort by Date Type

Select the types of Orders you’d like to hide. You’ll see a blue check mark appear next to each one to let you know it will be hidden.
By default, your Orders will sort by Event Date but you can also choose to sort by Delivery or Return Date of the Order.
Keep in mind that the Event Date will still be the Date that displays when viewing the list of Orders regardless of how the Orders are sorted (by Delivery or Return Date).
When you’re finished tap “Done” in the upper right corner.