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Inventory Lifespan Report

The Inventory Lifespan Report shows the performance of an Inventory Item against your projections.

The Completed Uses and Future Uses are compared to the Predicted Number of Uses you included in your Inventory Item Details.

Use this report to see how your inventory is performing so you can make critical decisions about marketing, liquidation, and inventory management.

You can find reports within RW Elephant by navigating to the “Reports” icon in the upper left corner of your browser window.

Use the Report Type drop-down menu to choose “Inventory Lifespan.”

Select a prefixed date range or enter a specific date range you’d like the report to reflect and click the “Display Report” button.

A table will display of the Report right within RW to review before download.

When you’re ready, click the “Download Report” button and the Report will generate as a spreadsheet saved to your computer.

If you did not enter Predicted Number of Uses for an Item, you will see errors (#DIV/0!) in the last few columns of this report.

Also see