Use the new Subtotaling feature to group Items together and show a single subtotal instead of each individual Line Item Price.
Maybe you offer a package price with varying pieces Clients can pick from. Or maybe you want to make things more simple for your Clients by showing them fewer numbers.
Whatever it may be, Subtotals give you the power to show your Clients only the prices you want them to see.

Hide Line Item Pricing
Ever want to give your Clients one final number so they don’t get bogged down by individual Item Pricing?
We’ve introduced a Display Price column to the Line Items tab of Orders that allows you to hide or display Line Item Pricing.
When you turn off the Display Price column, the Invoice PDF will simply display the Subtotals, Sales Tax, and the Grand Total.
Learn how to Hide Line Item Pricing here.

More Order Detail in Wishlist Submission Emails
We’ve made an update to the Wishlist Submission Emails your staff receives when a Client submits a Wishlist through the RW WordPress Plugin.
We’ve added more Client specific information so you can have more information upfront before ever having to head to RW.
Here’s what has been added:
- Client Name
- Event Date
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Removed the ability to enter a Credit Card Number when selecting “Refund a Card.”
- Enhanced confirmation alerts when an upgrade, downgrade, or credit card update has been successful.
- Expanded the Item Usage tab view to account for multiple Kits in the “Used in following kits” section.
- Updated a glitch found when sorting by date within Item Usage.
- Fixed a glitch where an Event could be set in the 1900s instead of the 2000s.