RW Elephant 201


The Kits feature within RW Elephant allows you to group multiple Inventory Items together. For instance, if you want to sometimes rent Chair A, Chair B, and Table C together as a group, you can create a Kit for just those items. This Kit can have its own Rental Price (higher than, equal to, or lower than the sum of the individual pieces). RW Elephant will determine the quantity of your Kit based on the available quantities of the components.

You may want to use the Kits feature to create groups of Items that go together in your tent packages, for a set of dinnerware, or with an Item that can be skinned in different colors.

Here is another example of a Kit: 

2 Babar Chairs + 1 Nono Couch = Sophisticate Lounge Set

How to Create a Kit

To create a Kit, click on the “Items” icon in the upper left corner of your browser window.

In the left column, select the category in which you’d like to create this Kit.

In the Items column, click the funky-looking asterisk (our Kit symbol). It’s to the right of the (-) button.

You’ll see a “New Inventory Kit” Item appear. Select it.

From here you’ll click the green “Edit Item” button.

Enter the name for the Kit.

Click on the “Kit Items” tab.

Drag and drop the Items you want to include from the column on the left into the Kit.

The quantity of each Item should be the amount needed to create ONE Kit. 

For instance, if you have 100 Dumbo Chairs but only use 2 of them in the Kit, then change the quantity of the Dumbo Chairs to 2 by double clicking on the quantity field.

At the bottom of the list, you’ll see a tick box that says “Add Item Prices to determine Kit Rental price.” If you tick this, the Rental Price for the Kit will automatically be equal to the sum of all of the Items in the Kit.

However, if you want to offer the Kit at a different price than the sum of the parts, don’t tick the box and enter your own Rental Price on the “Details” tab.

Additionally, the Kit’s price can be changed manually on an Order-by-Order basis.

By default, the Kit will be taxable. To manage a Kit’s tax settings, head to the “Item Settings” icon next to Item name. 

Leave “Apply primary sales tax” ticked unless the Kit should not be taxed.

Click the blue “Confirm” button.

If you wish, tick “Display in Public Gallery” in the bottom right corner to show this Kit off to the world.

To add images to your Kit, navigate to the “Images” tab. Here you can drag and drop photos to display your Items when they are set up as a Kit. 

Click the green “Save Item” button.

A great part of this feature is that when you drag and drop this Kit onto your Order’s Line Items, it will automatically deduct the individual Items in the Kit from your overall quantity of that Item. Likewise, if you don’t have enough of an Item to complete the Kit, RW will not let you add the Kit to the Order.

Yay for no double bookings!

Item Kit Usage

Find out if an Item is in any Kits through the Item’s Usage tab. 

If the Item is part of any Kits, there will be a note at the very bottom of the Usage tab stating “Used in the following kit:” 

This is helpful if the Item becomes damaged and needs to be replaced on any existing Orders or Kits.

Editing Kits

Before a Kit has been added to Orders, editing the Kit is quite simple. Once the Kit has been used on past Orders or is promised on future Orders, you’ll want to be sure that the past utilization stays intact all the while future Orders update with any changes. 

But not to worry, RW will do all the heavy lifting for you. 

Let’s say you want to switch out a table in your most popular lounge setup that’s been used at numerous past events. 

To edit the Kit pieces, head to the Kit and select the “Kit Items” tab. 

Click the green “Edit Item” button. 

Make any edits you’d like—remove Items, add new Items, adjust quantities of existing Items. 

If you add a new Item, RW will add the full quantity of that Item by default. If there is a conflict with future existing Orders that the Kit is on, you’ll get the following pop-up stating the conflict: 

At this point, you can close out of the pop-up and adjust the quantity of the Item.

*Remember the quantity of each Kit Item should be set to the amount needed for ONE Kit. 

Once you click the green “Save Item” button, RW will check for conflicts again. If there are no conflicts, but the Kit has been used on past Orders, you’ll receive the following pop-up: 

At this point RW will do a few things for you simultaneously to keep all your utilization and reporting intact: 

  • RW will Archive the previous version of the Kit that was on past Orders. The old Kit will be renamed on today’s date: “Kit Name ARCHIVED 1/1/2022”
  • The updates to the Kit will reflect in the existing Kit and the usage of that Kit will only be for future Orders.

We know it’s important to keep track of when and where each of your pieces have been rented. So we’ve streamlined the process of editing Kits to ensure the correct version of the Kit is reflected on the Orders it was rented on.

Fun (& Important) Facts about Kits:

  • A Kit’s Rental Price can be automatically calculated based on the individual prices of the Items or set manually.
  • Kit Prices can be changed on an Order-by-Order basis.
  • Kits can be duplicated just like Items. Then you can modify them as needed.
  • You’ll notice that Kits display in different formats on Invoice PDFs (shown as a single Item), Pull Ticket PDFs (separated into individual Items, organized by Category), and Delivery Ticket PDFs (shown as a group AND then broken down into individual Items).

In addition to groups of Items like lounges or themed props, Kits are also a great way to manage Items with lots of parts & pieces like a table with removable legs.

Also see our Rental Unit vs. Set vs. Kit Tutorial for more insight about when to use Kits for your Items.