Blog articles matching the “Payments” tag.

Writing Event Rental Business Policies with Intention

Don’t write another policy for your event rental business until you ask yourself these three questions! Copying  policies from the company down the street or setting things up at random might actually be hurting your business and preventing you from reaching your goals. Check out our framework for setting event rental business policies with intention. Read more

How Credit Card Processing Can Save You Money

But when it comes to credit card processing, I’m often surprised at our clients’ approach. Many times, I see our clients implicitly or explicitly encouraging their customers to pay with a method other than credit card (cash, check, etc.). Ostensibly they’re doing this to avoid the credit card processing fees— with the intention of making more money. Unfortunately, however, I think that discouraging their customers from using credit cards actually costs them money in the long run. Read more

Three New Features!

First of all, we want to thank our wonderful users for their fantastic feedback. We love hearing about what works for you, features that would make your lives better, and how your businesses tick. Read more