Navigate to the Account Icon in the upper right corner of your browser.

In the column on the left, select “Invoice Settings.”

Click the green “Edit” button.
Select the Template Style tab.

In the drop down on the left, you can select one of these styles:
- Modern
- Clean
- Formal
- Bold
- Minimalist
- Traditional

When a style is selected, the thumbnail Image will show what the Invoice PDF looks like for that style.
Once you have made your selection, don’t forget to click the green “Save” button.
It is important to remember that whenever you make changes to Invoice Settings, you will need to click “Edit Order” then “Save Order” on any existing Orders you want to refresh with these changes. But all new Orders will reflect any changes.

Feel free to come back to this Templates Style tab to try out the other PDF styles in your own Orders.
Please note that Delivery & Pull Tickets do not change with style selection. Since they are internal documents, they don’t conform to your other style choices.
This style gives PDFs a Contemporary look and feel.
The Modern Style starts with your Company Information displayed at the top. Next to that, in the upper right corner you will see the Order Number, Client Last Name, Invoice Status and Event Date. All of this information will continue as a repeating Header for every page of the Order.
One of the main distinctions for the Modern Style is that the Event Detail is displayed right below the Header in sleek boxes for easy readability. Under the Event Detail, you will find all of the Contact Information for the Client, Coordinator, and Venue.
The following pages are organized first by Line Items, then Image Pages, and finally Terms & Conditions.
The Clean Style provides a narrow Sans Serif font with very distinctive sections for each Order detail.
The most noticeable feature of the Clean Style is that the Event & Contact Detail is displayed in a column on the left and repeats on every page of the Order.
In the bottom left corner of every page, you will find the Event Date, Client Last Name, Invoice Status & Number, and Invoice Type (Delivery or Will-Call).
The pages are then organized first by Line Items, then Image Pages, and finally Terms & Conditions.
The Formal style follows a very professional model of Invoices with a Serif font. You will notice the biggest distinction is the cover page.
The cover page includes your Logo, Company Information, brief Order detail and Customer contact info.
On the right side of every page you will see a repeating vertical bar that contains the Event Date, Client Last Name, Invoice Status & Number, and Invoice Type (Delivery or Will-Call). This is for quick Order Detail reference at any point.
The second page of the PDF is for full Order Detail, Venue & Contacts, and any Order Notes.
The pages are then organized first by Line Items, then Image Pages, and finally Terms & Conditions.
Of our style choices, the Bold Style breaks the mold the most. With bright color details and a confetti print, this style is sure to grab your customer’s attention.
This style begins with a full-color printed confetti cover page followed by Contact & Event information. Images and line item details are combined into a single section to keep the rental collection in the spotlight. Lastly, Order totals are calculated which leads into the Terms & Conditions section.
The Minimalist Style favors lots of white space with intentional pops of color. Inspired by a rental collection that leans modern with accents of boho details.
This style puts images front & center on the first page of the Invoice followed by line item details and ends with a Rental Agreement section.
The Traditional Style emphasizes a classic and clean look. With cursive font details and hints of tan and dusty gray accent colors.
The flow of the Traditional Style is similar to the Modern with Order details followed by Line Items & Images and lastly wrapped up with T&Cs.
Once you make your selection, be sure to click the green Save button.
Click “Edit Order” then “Save Order” on any existing Orders you want to refresh with these changes.

You can modify various parts of these PDFs through the Template Regions and Template Labels tabs.