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Rental Order Line Items

On your orders you have a “Line Items” tab. From here you can quickly assemble all the inventory items, fees, taxes, and/or discounts for your proposals to give your clients.

Go to the applicable order or create a new one.

Click the “Line Items” tab.

Click the green “Edit Order” button.

You’ll see the column on the left change and show your items in a column on the bottom.

You have two options for finding your items. You can either click on one of your categories in the top column and then scroll through the items in the bottom column or you can click on “All Items” in the top column and then type the name of your item in the search bar in the bottom column.

To the right of the item name you’ll see the available quantity for the dates of the order and total quantity you own.

For example you could search “Dumbo Chair” you can see that you have 90 available chairs out of you total of 100 (90/100). This availability is determined by the “Off-the-Shelf” and “Restock Times” on your order details.

Once you’ve found the item you’re looking for you can simply drag and drop it into the line items area in the center.

RW will add the full available quantity to the order. To edit this to the appropriate number double click on the quantity and enter the new amount.

The information you’ll see for each line item is the Item Note, Quantity, Unit Price, Multiplier, Line Item Price, Adjusted Line Item Price.

Each of these can be edited by double clicking on them.

You can drag and rearrange your line items. This is important when it comes to discounts, fees, conceptual items that are a percentage but not a tax. These percentage conceptual items will only apply to line items above it on the order.

RW will automatically adjust the taxes and subtotal of the items of your order at the bottom of the line items field.

Once you’re finished be sure to click the green “Save Order” button.

See also our articles on Removing a Line Item and Default Line Item Notes.