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Autopay Features

When using the integrated credit card processing feature, you can send a link to your customers that will take them to an Online Payment Page.

From this page they will be able to see when their remaining balance will be due. Underneath that, they can tick a box that says “Charge this card on that date”.

This will allow your customer’s card to automatically be charged on the Final Balance Due Date, saving them from remembering and you from having to track down that final payment.

You can also tick or untick this option within your customer’s Order.

Select the “Payments” tab.

Click on “Update Payment Options” in the bottom right.

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to tick or untick the Autopay feature as well as select the card that will be charged if there are more than one on file for the Order.

This can come in handy if your customer ticks the Autopay box on the Online Payment Page on accident and you need to change it back to a manual payment. Or, maybe they decided down the line that they’d like to Autopay after all.